Hong Kong Business Search Services

Business Search

Business Profile Report

Registration InformationShare Capital3 working daysHKD 800
Contact InformationShareholding
Civil LitigationDirectors
Organization member (branch)

Business Credit report

Registration InformationShare Capital6 working daysHKD 1,200
Contact InformationShareholding
Civil LitigationDirectors
Qualifications, certificates and licensesBusiness situation
(nature, market, suppliers and customers)
Financial information (Listing co. only)Organization member (branch)
Credit RatingMortgage and Charge Details

Company Search

Contents TimeFees
Annual ReturnSubsequent Changes1 working dayHKD 150

Record of Changes

Contents TimeFees
Changes history of registration information (You can only purchase this search upon purchasing any other company search or report)3 working dayHKD 500

Company Search - Other Files (per item)

List of DirectorsShare Capital1 working dayHKD 100
List of shareholdersMortgage and Charge Details
Registration AddressDate of establishment
Memorandum and articles of AssociationOrdinary and Special Resolution

Company Search - Certified Copy

Contents TimeFees
A certified true copy of the certificate approved by the Company Registry1 working dayHKD 350

Business Registration Search - Electronic Extract

Person in charge
Date commenced & Date cessation1 working dayHKD 150
Business addressBusiness Nature / status

Business Registration Search - Certified Extract

Responsible person's information and change processDate commenced & Date cessation3 working daysHKD 150
Business Address and Change ProcessBusiness Nature / status
Amendment record

Legal Search

Certificate of No Legal Proceedings

Issued by solicitor3 working daysHKD 6000
Customed search period

Court Case Documents Retrieval

All documents filed by the court (includes but not limited to writ of summons, defense, judgement, reason of judgement)2 - 14 working daysHKD 3200

Civil Litigation Search

Civil litigation (Enterprises)2 working daysHKD 400
Civil litigation (Individual)

Criminal Litigation Search

Criminal Litigation (Enterprises / Individual)2 working daysHKD 400

Bankruptcy / Winding up Record Search

Bankruptcy / Winding up records (Enterprises / Individual)2 working daysHKD 500

Full Litigation Search

Civil litigationCriminal Litigation3 working daysHKD 900
Bankruptcy / Winding up records

Writs of summon

Writs of summon 2 working daysHKD 300

Individual Search

Directorship Search

A list of companies of which the subject is currently a director or reserve director1 working dayHKD 300

Shareholding Disclosure

Shareholding Disclosure (Listed Company)2 working dayHKD 300

Director Disqualification

Director Disqualification2 working dayHKD 300

Media and Internet Search


Notable and Negative news (Included but not limited to…)
Acquisitionsbusiness transformation3 working daysHKD 1200
Mergersmajor investments
Divisionsappointment and removal of senior management personnel
Salesmajor events of related companies (listing)
equity changes


Notable and Negative news (Included but not limited to…)
AwardsDonation3 working daysHKD 1400
Invention PatentResume
TitleBackground Information
Appointments and Dismissals

Asset Search

Integrated Asset Search

PropertyCompany Shares (Hong Kong Private Company)By QuoteBy Quote
Bank AccountStock (Hong Kong Listed company)
**Comprehensive results are not guaranteed

Land Registry

Current InformationHistorical Information1 working dayHKD 100

Land Registry - Certified copy

Contents TimeFees
A true copy of the certificate obtained from the Land Registry1 working dayHKD 250

Owners' Corporation Search

Corporation name and numberThe names and addresses of the chairman, vice chairman (if any), secretary, treasurer and other members of the management committee3 working dayHKD 500
Building name and addressThe name and address of the third party insurance company and the period covered by the insurance policy
The address of the registered office of the corporation

Site Investigation

Existence & Operation Verification

GPS location proofPhotos on location proof
(e.g. street name sign)
3 working dayHKD 500
Photos on Subject’s PremisesSurroundings & Transportation Introduction
Photos on Building / Park OutlookOperation Status & Decoration Description
Photos on Subject related SignageEnquiry from related person about the Subject
Area & Staff no. estimation of the Subject

Please click the below link if you want to place an order: https://forms.zohopublic.com/ACCOLADE/form/BusinessSearchFullFunction0622/formperma/vUgG6333lK7eWM8lRGkj4--Fv-LqD9EoWQNCZbrzi5w

For enquiries, please call +852 35212811 or email to search@accoladegroup.com.hk Thank you!

Importance Notes:
- Record number:Every item contains maximum latest 100 records only (e.g. civil litigation / branches /IP). Additional charge & working days required subject to quote for additional records.
- Period of coverage:Latest 7 years for Hong Kong region ; latest 15 years for China region. Periods of coverage are subject to quote for oversea region.