「EMPLOYMENT SUPPORT SCHEME 2022」 Application Service
18th Mar, 2022 The Government Announcing details of the Employment Support Scheme 2022 (2022 ESS) to provide time-limited financial support to employers to retain their employees who would otherwise be made redundant. For the 2022 ESS, it covered the period of May to July 2022, targets to invite applications in April. Details to be updated on 7th April, 2022:
The main focus of the 2022 ESS
01.Focus on helping SMEs
02.All industries can apply, but there is a restricted business list
03.Unlimited monthly salary for employees
04.HK$8000 subsidy per month per employee
05.Part-time employees with monthly salary below HK$8,000 can apply for half subsidy ie HK$4,000
06.Employers can choose to use the data for the fourth quarter of 2021 for application (subsidy payment may be at least four weeks later than employers who choose the old data.)
07.Covers self-employed persons, employees over the age of 65 (MPF account required)
The scope of subsidy is as follows:
01.Subsidized employees are required to hold MPF accounts
02.The subsidy must be used on the employee's salary
03.Do not employ less than the number of employees for which the subsidy is provided during the subsidy period
04.Employee application is maximum of 1,000
05.The number of restricted companies is maximum of 100 employees
The program targets to accept applications in April, 2022.
If you have any enquiries, please call 3521 2973 or, Whatsapp 9828 1185 or, Email to phr@accoladegroup.com.hk. Thank you.